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Level-up Responsive Design Using Min, Max and Clamp CSS Functions

Level-up Responsive Design Using Min, Max and Clamp CSS Functions

Enter the CSS min, max and clamp functions, a game-changers for responsive design that simplifies the way we define scalable properties. This blog post explores the power of min, max and clamp functions, offering insights into its functionality and giving practical examples.

Building Responsive Design Using Viewport CSS Units

Building Responsive Design Using Viewport CSS Units

Responsive design ensures that web content looks good and functions well, no matter the screen size. Such design is a must-have in modern web applications. One of the various tools in achieving responsive design is through the use of viewport units: vw, vh, vmin, vmax, vi, vb, s, l, d and their combinations. This blog post explains how and when to use these units to create adaptive designs.

Mastering React Hooks: A Comprehensive Guide to Functional Components

Mastering React Hooks: A Comprehensive Guide to Functional Components

The introduction of Hooks in React 16.8 significantly changed the coding style for build React components. Hooks allow to control component's state, lifecycle and offer a more powerful and flexible way to create and manage functional components. In this blog post you will learn the essentials and the most common React Hooks.

Spread and Rest Operators in JavaScript

Spread and Rest Operators in JavaScript

ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) has brought many features that have significantly improved the language's expressiveness, readability, and efficiency. Among these features, are rest and spread operators. In this blog post you will learn how to use spread and rest operators and how they can simplify your JavaScript code and make it more flexible.

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