A database view is a virtual table that contains data from one or multiple database tables. Unlike a physical table, a view does not store data itself. It contains a set of predefined SQL queries to fetch data from the database. In other words, view is a uniquely named object in the database that stores a SQL select query for repeatable data access.
All SQL queries from this blog post were tested in the Postgres database. While the same SQL syntax can be used in other databases.
- Simplification of complex queries - views can encapsulate complex queries, allowing users to access the results through simple SELECT statements.
- Less repeatable select queries - views encapsulate select queries that can be repeatedly used in the data access code.
- Data abstraction - views provide a level of abstraction, allowing changes in underlying table structures without affecting how the data is presented to the end-users.
- Enhanced security - views enhance security by protecting data, as they can limit access to certain rows and columns of the table, instead of giving access to the whole table.
To create a view in the database, you can use the CREATE VIEW SQL statement:
sqlCREATE VIEW view_name AS SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition;
Let's set up a database in PostgreSQL that includes tables for customers, products, orders, and order_details:
sqlCREATE TABLE customers ( id INT PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, name VARCHAR(255), phone VARCHAR(20), email VARCHAR(255), is_active BOOLEAN ); CREATE TABLE products ( id INT PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, name VARCHAR(255), price DECIMAL ); CREATE TABLE orders ( id INT PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, customer_id INT, date DATE, FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers(id) ); CREATE TABLE order_details ( id INT PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, order_id INT, product_id INT, quantity INT, price DECIMAL(10, 2), FOREIGN KEY (order_id) REFERENCES orders(id), FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES products(id) );
You can use regular SELECT statement to get all customers:
sqlSELECT * FROM customers; -- OR SELECT id, name, phone, email, is_active FROM customers;
Instead of repeating this query each time, we can define a database view that returns frequently used information about active customers:
sqlCREATE VIEW customer_info AS SELECT id, name, email, phone FROM customers WHERE is_active = true;
To retrieve data from the view you need to use view's name in the SELECT statement as a table name:
sqlSELECT * FROM customer_info; -- OR if you need less fields SELECT id, name, email FROM customer_info;
When selecting data from the view you can use all SELECT statement features that you can use when selecting data from the real database table.
For example, you can use grouping to select unique customer names from the view:
sqlSELECT name FROM customer_info GROUP BY name;
Database allows you to recreate a view with an updated SELECT and WHERE statements. Use the CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW SQL command:
sqlCREATE OR REPLACE VIEW customer_info AS SELECT id, name, email, phone FROM customers
However, you can only add and can't remove columns from the SELECT statement. To completely change the view, you need to delete it from the database using the DROP VIEW SQL command:
sqlDROP VIEW IF EXISTS customer_info;
Views are particularly useful for creating complex SQL queries or presenting aggregated data from multiple tables.
Before creating a view, I recommend first to create a SQL query, test it and only after that create a view. This will reduce the time for recreating or even deleting a view before it was tested.
Let's create a view that returns the total sales per customer:
sqlCREATE OR REPLACE VIEW total_sales_per_customer AS SELECT customer.name, SUM(order_details.quantity * order_details.price) AS total_sales FROM customers customer JOIN orders "order" ON customer.id = "order".customer_id JOIN order_details order_details ON "order".id = order_details.order_id GROUP BY customer.name ORDER BY total_sales desc; -- SELECT data from the view select * from total_sales_per_customer;
And a view that returns the top-10 frequently sold products:
sqlCREATE OR REPLACE VIEW top_sold_products AS SELECT product.name, COUNT(orderDetails.quantity * orderDetails.price) AS total_sales FROM order_details orderDetails JOIN products product ON orderDetails.product_id = product.id GROUP BY product.name ORDER BY total_sales desc LIMIT 10; -- in MS SQL Server use "SELECT TOP 10" to get top-10 rows -- in Oracle use "WHERE ROWNUM <= 10;" with a select subquery to get top-10 rows -- SELECT data from the view select * from top_sold_products;
A database view is a virtual table that contains data from one or multiple database tables. Unlike a physical table, a view does not store data itself, it provides an interface for repeatable data access.
Database views are a powerful feature in SQL, offering data abstraction, simplification of queries, reduction of repeatable queries and enhanced security through controlled data access.
Hope you find this newsletter useful. See you next time.