The Best Way To Validate Objects in .NET in 2024
Learn how to validation objects in .NET using various techniques and libraries and explore what is the best way to validate objects in .NET in 2024
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Learn how to validation objects in .NET using various techniques and libraries and explore what is the best way to validate objects in .NET in 2024
Learn the best practices of logging in ASP.NET Core applications that will provide crucial insights into the behavior of your application, helping to diagnose issues, track the flow of execution, and monitor performance
Learn the benefits of Clean Architecture and Vertical Slices and how you can combine them to create a perfect architecture
Learn about various tools and practices like static code analysis to improve code quality in .NET projects
Multitenancy is a software architecture that allows a single instance of a software application to serve multiple customers, called tenants
Audit trails provide a historical record of changes made to data. Audit trails allow developers to see who made changes, when they were made, and what the changes were
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