Getting Started with FastEndpoints for Building Web APIs in .NET
Explore how to create API endpoints, handle requests, responses and add validation with FastEndpoints in ASP.NET Core
Explore the recent blog posts
Explore how to create API endpoints, handle requests, responses and add validation with FastEndpoints in ASP.NET Core
Explore Modern - a free open source libraries that will make you more productive when creating CRUD APIs in .NET
Explore the best practices for increasing EF Core performance for read queries in .NET
Learn how to use AddDbContext, AddDbContextFactory, AddDbContextPool, AddPooledDbContextFactory
Explore the best practices when working with ids, properties, enums, collections in MongoDB in .NET and C#
Learn how to write simplify complex assertions in unit tests and integration tests with Verify library in .NET
Learn how to write reliable and robust integration tests for testing APIs in .NET with WireMock library
Explore a modern way to create strongly typed ids in .NET that solve the primitive obsession problem with entity identifiers
Explore a modern way to create value objects in .NET that solve the primitive obsession problem
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