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Get Started with SQL Transactions in PostgreSQL

Get Started with SQL Transactions in PostgreSQL

SQL transactions are foundational for ensuring data integrity and consistency in database operations. They allow multiple SQL commands to be executed as a single, atomic operation, meaning either all commands are successfully executed, or none are, ensuring the database remains in a consistent state. This blog post introduces the concept of SQL transactions, with a focus on their implementation in PostgreSQL, using a practical database model as an example.

Getting Started with C# Records

Getting Started with C# Records

C# 9.0 introduced a new feature called records, they offer immutability and equality comparison out of the box. Learn how to use records, what features they offer and reveal the use cases when records can be used instead of classes

Getting Started With Database Views in SQL

Getting Started With Database Views in SQL

Database views in SQL are a great tool that enhances security, simplifies complex and repeteable SQL queries. This blog post dives into the concept of database views, their benefits, and practical examples to illustrate their utility in real-world applications.

Eager Loading of Child Entities in EF Core

Eager Loading of Child Entities in EF Core

Explore the in-depth guide of eager loading the child entities in Entity Framework Core. Learn how to efficiently load child entities in your data models, optimizing performance and simplifying queries.

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