How To Create Modern Emails Using React
Explore how to use React to create beautiful and modern emails. Forget about manual writing inline styles in HTML to create email letters.
Explore the recent React blog posts
Explore how to use React to create beautiful and modern emails. Forget about manual writing inline styles in HTML to create email letters.
Learn how to transition from class components with state and lifecycle events to functional components in React, using hooks like useState, useEffect, and useCallback.
Explore how the CLSX library can simplify the process of conditional class rendering in React applications, improving code readability and significatly decreasing amount of written code
This blog post explores how useRef React Hook can manage references to DOM elements, hold mutable values across re-renders and allow to access the current value in the memoized callbacks.
In web applications that rely on user input, it's common to encounter performance issues related to rapid state updates. This is where debouncing comes in. Debouncing is a programming practice used to ensure that time-consuming tasks are not executed so often, which can be particularly useful in search inputs where you might fetch data from an API based on the user's input.
The introduction of Hooks in React 16.8 significantly changed the coding style for build React components. Hooks allow to control component's state, lifecycle and offer a more powerful and flexible way to create and manage functional components. In this blog post you will learn the essentials and the most common React Hooks.
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