Strongly Typed IDs are custom types that are used to represent entity identifiers (IDs) in your application instead of using primitive types like int, Guid, or string. Instead of using these primitive types directly to represent IDs, you create a specific class or struct that encapsulates the ID value. This approach helps to make the code more expressive, safer, and easier to maintain.
In the previous blog post, we explored what is a Primitive Obsession and how it can be solved by using Value Objects.
In short, primitive obsession is a tendency to use basic data types to represent more complex concepts. Primitive obsession occurs when basic data types (such as int, string, or DateTime) are overused to represent complex concepts in your domain.
It is a common anti-pattern that can lead to unclear code and harder-to-maintain systems.
The same problem goes with identifiers (IDs) if you have multiple entities in your project.
If you're using Guid
for all entities identifiers, like CustomerId, OrderId, OrderItemId, it could lead to mistakenly passing an OrderId
where a OrderItemId
is expected.
All because the same types are used everywhere.
This primitive obsession problem can be solved by using Value Objects. Value Objects represent a value in your domain that has no identity but is defined by its attributes.
A primitive obsession problem for entity identifiers is solved by using Strongly Typed IDs that are a sort of Value Objects, but only applied to entity identifiers.
Let's explore an application example that has Order
and OrderItem
Both entities have guids as their entity identifier type:
csharppublic class Order { public Guid Id { get; set; } } public class OrderItem { public Guid Id { get; set; } }
Imagine that you're calling the ProcessOrderAsync
csharppublic Task ProcessOrderAsync(Guid orderId, Guid orderItemId) { // Logic to process the order and its item } // Correct usage ProcessOrder(order.Id, orderItem.Id); // Incorrect usage - No compile-time error ProcessOrder(orderItem.Id, order.Id);
This code compiles and executes successfully. Did you notice a problem?
As we use Guid
type for both Order.Id
and OrderItem.Id
- you can pass parameters in the wrong order.
You will end up with wrong data in the database which can lead to serious problems.
The solution to this problem is to use Strongly Typed IDs, which encapsulate entity identifiers into a custom meaningful unit.
Strongly Typed IDs are custom types that are used to represent entity identifiers (IDs) in your application instead of using primitive types like int, Guid, or string. Instead of using these primitive types directly to represent IDs, you create a specific class or struct that encapsulates the ID value. This approach helps to make the code more expressive, safer, and easier to maintain.
Key characteristics of Strongly Typed IDs:
- Immutability: once created, a Strongly Typed Id cannot be changed. Any modification results in a new instance.
- Equality: Strongly Typed IDs are compared based on their value, not by reference.
Benefits of Strongly Typed IDs:
- Enhanced Type Safety: one of the most significant benefits of strongly typed IDs is that they enhance type safety. This reduces the chances of accidentally mixing up different types of IDs, leading to fewer bugs and runtime errors.
- Improved Code Clarity: Strongly typed IDs make your code more expressive and self-documenting. When you see a method that accepts an OrderId, it's immediately clear what kind of ID is expected, as opposed to a generic Guid or int.
- Better Domain Modeling: in Domain-Driven Design (DDD), strongly typed IDs help reinforce the concept of entities and their identities. This makes the domain model more robust and aligned with the real-world concepts it represents.
- Support for Future Enhancements: if the requirements for an ID change (e.g., needing to change a type of entity identifier), a strongly typed ID class can be updated or extended to support these new requirements without breaking existing code.
- Easier Refactoring: Strongly typed IDs make refactoring easier, as changes to ID-related logic can be made in a single place, reducing the possibility of introducing errors during the process.
Now let's explore what options do we have for creating Strongly Typed IDs in .NET.
Today I'll show you how to implement Strongly Typed IDs for a Shipping Application that is responsible for creating and updating customers, orders and shipments for ordered products.
This application has the following entities:
- Customers
- Orders, OrderItems
- Shipments, ShipmentItems
I am using Domain Driven Design practices for my entities.
Let's explore an Order
and Order Item
entities that use primitive types for the entity identifiers:
csharppublic class Order { public Guid Id { get; private set; } public OrderNumber OrderNumber { get; private set; } public Guid CustomerId { get; private set; } public Customer Customer { get; private set; } public DateTime Date { get; private set; } public IReadOnlyList<OrderItem> Items => _items.AsReadOnly(); private readonly List<OrderItem> _items = new(); private Order() { } public static Order Create(OrderNumber orderNumber, Customer customer, List<OrderItem> items) { var order = new Order { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), OrderNumber = orderNumber, Customer = customer, CustomerId = customer.Id, Date = DateTime.UtcNow }; order.AddItems(items); return order; } private Order AddItems(List<OrderItem> items) { _items.AddRange(items); return this; } }
csharppublic class OrderItem { public Guid Id { get; private set; } public ProductName Product { get; private set; } public int Quantity { get; private set; } public Guid OrderId { get; private set; } public Order Order { get; private set; } = null!; private OrderItem() { } public OrderItem(ProductName productName, int quantity) { Id = Guid.NewGuid(); Product = productName; Quantity = quantity; } }
As you can see, both entities use Value Objects for their properties. If you want to learn more about Value Objects — make sure to check out my corresponding blog post.
Now let's explore how to replace these primitive types for entity identifiers with Strongly Typed IDs.
I can list the following most popular options for creating Strongly Typed Ids:
- using StronglyTypedId package written by Andrew Lock
- using C# Records
- using C# Record Structs
Let's explore each option more in-depth.
By using the StronglyTypedId
package, you can generate strongly-typed ID structs for your entities.
First, you need to install the package:
bashdotnet add package StronglyTypedId
You need to define a partial struct
and add a StronglyTypedId
csharp[StronglyTypedId] public readonly partial struct OrderId { } [StronglyTypedId] public readonly partial struct OrderItemId { }
package will use source generators to implement both OrderId
and OrderItemId
By default, the underline type is Guid
Here is how you can create an OrderId:
csharpvar orderId = new OrderId(Guid.NewGuid()); var orderItemId = new OrderItemId(Guid.NewGuid());
You can use a Value
property to retrieve a value hidden inside a strongly typed id:
csharpvar guid = orderId.Value; var guid2 = orderItemId.Value;
If you need to change the type, specify a Template
in the attribute:
csharp[StronglyTypedId(Template.Int)] public readonly partial struct OrderId { }
Currently supported built-in backing types are:
- Guid (default)
- int
- long
- string
You don't have to use external packages as C# records already have all you need for strongly typed ids.
Records are a really modern-way to create Strongly Typed IDs in .NET.
Records are immutable reference types and their support equality comparison out of the box. They are compared based on their properties, not by reference.
Here's how you can define the same Strongly Typed IDs using records:
csharppublic record OrderId(Guid Value); public record OrderItemId(Guid Value);
Records are a wonderful choice for Strongly Typed IDs, but they are reference types.
If you care about memory allocations, you can use readonly record structs
for Strongly Typed IDs.
They behave the same as records
but they are value types and not allocated on the heap.
This is my personal choice for creating Strongly Typed IDs.
Here is how you can define the Strongly Typed IDs with record structs
csharppublic readonly record struct OrderId(Guid Value); public readonly record struct OrderItemId(Guid Value);
Here is how the Order
and OrderItem
entities will look like with Strongly Typed IDs:
csharppublic class Order { public OrderId Id { get; private set; } public OrderNumber OrderNumber { get; private set; } public CustomerId CustomerId { get; private set; } public Customer Customer { get; private set; } public DateTime Date { get; private set; } public IReadOnlyList<OrderItem> Items => _items.AsReadOnly(); private readonly List<OrderItem> _items = new(); private Order() { } public static Order Create(OrderNumber orderNumber, Customer customer, List<OrderItem> items) { var order = new Order { Id = new OrderId(Guid.NewGuid()), OrderNumber = orderNumber, Customer = customer, CustomerId = customer.Id, Date = DateTime.UtcNow }; order.AddItems(items); return order; } private Order AddItems(List<OrderItem> items) { _items.AddRange(items); return this; } }
csharppublic class OrderItem { public OrderItemId Id { get; private set; } public ProductName Product { get; private set; } public int Quantity { get; private set; } public OrderId OrderId { get; private set; } public Order Order { get; private set; } = null!; private OrderItem() { } public OrderItem(ProductName productName, int quantity) { Id = new OrderItemId(Guid.NewGuid()); Product = productName; Quantity = quantity; } }
If you try to misuse the entity identifiers, you will get a compilation error:
After introducing Strongly Typed IDs in your entity models, you need to modify your EF Core Mapping.
You need to use conversion to tell EF Core how to map Strongly Typed IDs to the database, and how to map database values to ids.
For example, for Order
csharpbuilder.Property(x => x.Id) .HasConversion( id => id.Value, value => new OrderId(value) ) .IsRequired();
Strongly Typed IDs are your domain-specific models, the outside world should not know about them. And moreover, your public request/response/DTO models should be as simple as possible.
It is a good practice to have plain primitives types in your request/response/DTO models and map them to domain entities and vice versa.
For example, I am mapping CustomerId
with Guid
type to CustomerId
in my "Create Order" use case:
csharppublic sealed record CreateOrderRequest( Guid CustomerId, List<OrderItemRequest> Items, Address ShippingAddress, string Carrier, string ReceiverEmail); public static CreateOrderCommand MapToCommand(this CreateOrderRequest request) { return new CreateOrderCommand( CustomerId: new CustomerId(request.CustomerId), Items: request.Items, ShippingAddress: request.ShippingAddress, Carrier: request.Carrier, ReceiverEmail: request.ReceiverEmail ); }
And the reverse mapping to CustomerResponse
from Strongly Typed OrderId
csharppublic static OrderResponse MapToResponse(this Order order) { return new OrderResponse( OrderId: order.Id.Value, OrderNumber: order.OrderNumber.Value, OrderDate: order.Date, Items: order.Items.Select(x => new OrderItemResponse( ProductName: x.Product.Value, Quantity: x.Quantity)).ToList() ); }
Strongly typed IDs are a powerful tool for improving the type safety, clarity, and maintainability of your .NET applications. By encapsulating IDs within dedicated records or structs, you can prevent common mistakes and make your code more expressive.
C# records and readonly record structs provide you an elegant, easy and fast way to implement Strongly Typed IDs without boilerplate code.
Hope you find this newsletter useful. See you next time.